Celebrating Lincoln’s Spectacles – Yes, the Tall Guy Wore Reading Glasses

This website has info about Abraham Lincoln's Reading GlassesDo you wear readers? So did President Lincoln.

Love this quote from the March 8, 1961 edition of the “Chicago Tribune” posted on Antique Spectacles, talking about the President-elect’s inauguration:

“All being seated, Senator Baker, of Oregon, rose and said: ‘Fellow citizens, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, will now proceed to deliver his inaugural address.’ Mr. Lincoln rose, calm, collected and serene in manner, and, with a preliminary glance over his vast and imposing auditory, put on his spectacles and began to read…”

It’s a scene many of us play out in our own lives — at work, at restaurants, everywhere we need to read. The difference is that we’re free to pick from a seemingly endless selections of shapes, colors, and materials so that our glasses can reflect our personal style in a really individual way.

Still — if Lincoln had wanted a new pair just like the old ones? We could have come close. Classic is always in.